Our Winery Dogs Past & Present

The Original Mutts Nicki and Max. When Mutt Lynch Winery was established in 1995, Maximilian (Max) and Nikita (Nicki) become our original winery dogs. Max was a sweet, sensitive male - a mix of Golden Lab and English Setter we believe. And Nicki was a dominating female - Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Terrier mix. They were an odd couple indeed. To this day, Nicki was the truest winery dog in the traditional sense; she enjoyed riding with Brenda in the back of her pickup truck to vineyards and winery alike. Max was more suited to staying at home in his dog bed. RIP 2004/05.
Our Racing Stud Patch. We rescued Patch, our Greyhound, in 2005 while living in New Zealand. Patch was a champion racing Greyhound who raced for over 5 years. He was fast... and he knew it. This said, and typical of his breed, he was not your typical winery dog. Riding in the back of the pickup was a definite "no". He was most often found sleeping at the winery, preferably in his dog bed. We created a Hound Lounge at our winery just for Patch and his friends, a tradition we continue to this day at our tasting room. RIP 2014.
Our "Sassy Senior Annie. Annie passed away just recently and frankly, we're still not over it. She was a 15-year-old toothless, partially blind, and partially deaf foster-fail Chihuahua that quickly became the alpha dog in our family. We bow down to the memory of this 6 lb. little diva. We will miss you dearly. RIP 2023.
Violet and Clyde our current dogs. Violet is a beautiful, sweet Portuguese Water Dog who so far prefers the tasting room to the winery. Clyde joined us over a year ago as our first "foster failure" - a foster dog that Brenda refused to give up. And so the saga of our furry family continues.
Brenda keeps promising to post photo updates. We'll see...